Packages in Java
- The main feature of java is reusability of code. Resuability is achieved by extending classes or implementing interfaces.
- But this is limited to only that respective class , i.e if we want to use code in same program. If we want to use code in different programs, this is done via Packages.
- Packages are the Java's way of grouping a variety of classes or interface together.
- The grouping is usually done according to functionality.
1. Packages of other programs can be easily reused.
2. The classes in 2 different packages can have same name.
3.They provide a way to "hide" classes that are meant for internal use only.
4. Separates "Design" from "Coding".
Defining a Package
The package can be defined as:
package package_name;
we can also declare sub-packages as:
package package1[[.package 2][.package 3]];
(# Note: The braces are used to separating the terms.)
This can be generally written as:
package package1.package2.package3;
The package Hierarchy is reflected in the file system such as the package :- package java.awt.image; should be stored as:
java/awt/image for UNIX system
java\awt\image for WINDOWS
java:awt:image for MACINTOSH file system.
Importing Packages
The packages in java are imported by prefixing package name with import.
such as: import java.lang.Math;
File name:
package p1;
public class Protection
int n=1;
private int n_pri=2;
protected int n_pro=3;
public int n_pub=4;
public Protection ( )
System.out.println("Base Constructor");
System.out.println("n=" + n);
System.out.println("n_pri=" + n_pri);
System.out.println("n_pro=" + n_pro);
System.out.println("n_pub=" + n_pub);
File name
package p1;
class Derived extends Protection
Derived ( )
System.out.println("Derived Constructor");
System.out.println(" n=" +n);
//Protected class only
//System.out.println(" n_pri="
System.out.println("n_pro=" + p.n_pro);
System.out.println("n_pub=" + p.n_pub);
// To instanciate various classes in p1.
import p1;
public class Demo
public static void main ( String [] args )
Protection p1 = new Protection ( );
Derived d1 = new Derived ( );
samePackage s1 = new samePackage ( );
Adding a new class to Package
Adding a new class to existing package is simple.This can be done as :
package p1;
class A
//Body of A
Hiding Classes
We can hide a class which is contained inside the package from the outside classes.
This can be done by not declaring them PUBLIC.
package d1;
public class X // Public, Accessible outside class
//Body of X
class Y //Not accessible outside class
//Body of Y
since class Y is NOT PUBLIC , its object cannot be instantiated. If done so , the compiler will generate an error message.
Ex- import d1.*;
X object x; // available
Y object y; //not available (error)
Compiling the Packages ( in cmd)
in Command prompt :
C:\Samples> javac -d .
(# Note: Dot here represents the current folder.)
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